Καλό ξεκίνημα στη σελίδα με τις Μουσικές της Γειτονιάς μας (Βουλγαρία, Ρουμανία, Σερβία, Σκόπια, Μαυροβούνιο, Κροατία, Βοσνία, Σλοβενία, ΑΛβανία, Τουρκία) ! Ας αποτελέσει αυτή η σελίδα έναν μικρό κρίκο στην γνώση των κοινών και την κατανόηση της όσμωσης των πολιτισμών μεταξύ των Βαλκανικών λαών.
*Tanja Pavlovic
Η Βαλκανική μουσική είναι μια μουσική παράδοση εύκολα αναγνωρίσιμη ανάμεσα σ' όλα τα είδη της μουσικής του κόσμου. Επίσης, είναι μια παράδοση με πολύ ξεκάθαρα χαρακτηριστικά ως προς τις μελωδίες και την ερμηνεία τους. Σε πολύ γενικές γραμμές, βρίσκουμε τις πλευρές του σχηματισμού της σε ένα συνδυασμό παραδόσεων: προχριστιανικών χρόνων, Βυζαντινής, Σλαβικής και Οθωμανικής παράδοσης. Χιλιάδες χρόνια μεταναστεύσεων από ανατολή σε δύση κι από δύση σ' ανατολή μέσα στο Βαλκανικό χώρο οδήγησαν σε μια πολύ ιδιόμορφη κατανομή πληθυσμού ως αποτέλεσμα μείξης διαφορετικών λαών. Έτσι, δημιουργήθηκαν ποικίλα μουσικά περιβάλλοντα. Οι μουσικοί Ρομ που μετανάστευσαν από την Ινδία στην Ανατολία και μετά από την Ανατολία στα Βαλκάνια μετά το 14ο αιώνα, έμαθαν πολύ σύντομα τη μουσική διαφόρων λαών, διατηρώντας ωστόσο, ως βάση, την μουσική της Ανατολίας. Ο νομαδικός τρόπος της ζωής τους συνέβαλε στο να διαδώσουν ό,τι γνώριζαν σε κάθε γωνιά των Βαλκανίων. Βεβαίως, κατά καιρούς η μετανάστευσή τους γινόταν από δύση προς ανατολάς κι έτσι έφεραν μαζί τους επί παραδείγματι την τσιγγάνικη μελωδία στην Ανατολία. Το αποτέλεσμα της αυθεντικής αλληλεπίδρασης μεταξύ Σλαβικής παράδοσης, Ελληνικής με παγανιστικά χαρακτηριστικά, των χρωμάτων της Ανατολίας (Βυζαντινών και Οθωμανικών) ήταν η διαμόρφωση μιας πλούσιας μουσικής συσσώρευσης, που σήμερα ονομάζουμε Βαλκανική μουσική.
*Tanja Pavlovic
Studied music with Blagoje Bersa, Franjo Dugan and Fran Lhotka in Zagreb, Václav Stepán in Prague and Joseph Marx in Vienna. Since 1929 he works as a music teacher, music critic and choir leader in Zagreb. He is one of the co-founders of the music school Lisinski. In 1940 he moved to Belgrado where he was a professor in music theory at the Music Academy from 1945-1966. He published a.o. General Musicology (Belgrado 1949, 3rd edition 1963) and Counterpoint (Belgrado 1958).This information was found in Das Grosse Handbuch der Klaviermusik, Peter Hollfelder, ISBN 3-930656-49-3 (1996), Nikol Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Hamburg.
Marko Tajčević - Pet preludijuma / Five Preludes
Stanislav Binički
Stanislav Binički (Serbian Cyrillic: Станислав Бинички, pronounced [stǎnislaʋ binǐt͡ʃkiː]), (27 July 1872 – 15 February 1942)[1] was a Serbian composer, conductor, and pedagogue.
Binički, who was born in Jasika, Kruševac, is considered to be one of the most famous representatives of Serbian classical music. He wrote Marš na Drinu (March to the Drina), a famous Serbian march, and the first Serbian opera Na Uranku (At dawn) (1914). The Serbian Armed Forces Parade March Past is also another most remembered march composition by him, for it is played by Military bands in the military parades and ceremonies of the Serbian Armed Forces and formerly of the Yugoslav People's Army and the Royal Yugoslav Army. He also wrote seven songs, "Mijatovke", dedicated to great Serbian tenor Mijat Mijatović. He died in Belgrade.
Тhere is an annual music festival The Days of Stanislav Binički (Serbian:Dani Stanislava Biničkog) held in his homeplace Jasika near Kruševac, in which performed numerous distinguished soloists and ensembles.
Marš na Drinu
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Marš na Drinu (Serbian Cyrillic: Марш на Дрину, pronounced [mârʃ na drǐːnu]; English: March to the Drina) is a Serbian patriotic song from World War I and the title of a film (1964).[1]
During World War I, the river Drina (located on the border between Bosnia and Herzegovina in eastern Bosnia and Serbia) was the site of a bloody battle between the Serbian and Austro-Hungarian army, the Battle of Cer, from August 16 to August 19, 1914. To honour the bravery of the fallen, the Serbian composer Stanislav Binički composed Marš na Drinu. This song has become a symbol of the bravery of the Serbs during the First World War.
In the Serbian constitutional referendum of 1992, the citizens have voted by vast majority to make it the official anthem of the Republic of Serbia. However, due to the highly flammable nature of the events in the Yugoslav civil wars and especially the neighboring Bosnian war, it was never officially adopted. Instead, the National Assembly had approved the old “God of Justice” anthem from the regal period as the national anthem.
У бој, крените јунаци сви,
Крен'те и не жал'те живот свој,
Цер нек види строј, Цер нек чује бој, а река Дрина,
Славу храброст и јуначку руку оца сина.
Пој, пој, Дрино водо хладна ти,
Памти, причај кад су падали,
Памти храбри строј који је пун огња, силе, снаге,
Протерао туђина са реке наше драге.
Пој, пој, Дрино, причај роду ти,
Како смо се храбро борили,
Певао је строј, војево'о се бој,
Крај хладне воде,
Крв је текла,
Крв се лила Дрином због слободе.
To battle, go forth you heroes,
Go on and don't regret your lives
Let the Cer see the front, let the Cer hear the guns
and the river Drina's glory, courage!
And the heroic hand of the father and sons!
Sing, sing, cold water of the Drina,
Remember, and tell of the ones whom fell,
Remember the brave front, full of fire and mighty force
Whom expelled the invaders from our dear river!
Sing, sing, Drina, tell the generations,
How we bravely fought,
The front sang, the battle was fought
Near cold water
Blood was flowing,
Blood was streaming by the Drina... for Freedom!
Stanislav Binicki - Mars na Drinu, Original Verzia
Kornelije Stankovic-Srpska nacionalna pesma
Što se bore misli moje
Што се боре мисли моје
Искуство ми ћутат` вели,
Беж`те сада ви обоје
Нек ми срце говори.
Први поглед ока твога
пленио је срце моје,
учинио робом га.
Да те љубим, ах, једина
целом свету казаћу,
сам` од тебе, ах, премила,
ову тајну сакрићу.
Παλευουν οι σκεψεις μου.
και η ωρημοτητα και πειρα μου λενε να σιωπω..
Mα φυγετε..και οι δυο
αφηστε την καρδια μου να μιλησει.
Η πρωτη ματια απο τα ματια σου,
φωτεινο φως του ηλιου ειναι
μαγεψε την καρδια μου,
σκλαβο τον εκανε.
Να σ' αγαπω, αχ, μοναδικη μου
σε ολο τον κοσμο θα το πω,
μονο εσενα αχ, πολυαγαπημενη μου
αυτο θα κρυψω το μυστικο.
Τους στιχους τους εγγραψε ο ( кнез Мибрехаило Оновић)
πριγκιπας Μιχαιλο Ομπρενοβιτς, στην αγαπημενη ( Катарину Константиновић),Κατερινα Κωνσταντινοβιτς.
Ενας ανεκπληρωτος ερωτας!
Choir/Hor Branko (Nis/Serbia) - Pokajnička molitva
Church Singing Society Branko - concert at Kolarac hall - 29. april 2010.
Composer - Vladimir Milosavljevic
Solo baritone - priest Zoran Filipovic
Conductor - Sara Cincarevic
was a Serbian choral director and primarily a composer of a prevalently lyrical sentience. Like his younger contemporary Stevan St. Mokranjac, he was devoted to mainly vocal genres—lied and choral. Marinković was a romanticist with a pronounced affinity for melodic expression. He invested exceptional attention to the text declamation, which represented a rather novel quality in Serbian music at the time.
Josif Marinković - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josif_Marinkovi%C4%87
Peričić Vlastimir
- Pepeljuga, mala svita (Cinderella, the Little Suite)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2PQVI3uLUU&feature=youtu.beI - Svitanje (Dawn) 00:00 II - Vašar (The Fair) 03:38 III - Pepeljuga i golubovi (Cinderella and the Doves) 05:00 IV - Marš (March) 12:15Vlastimir Peričić - Simfonijeta (Sinfonietta)
- Pepeljuga, mala svita (Cinderella, the Little Suite)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2PQVI3uLUU&feature=youtu.beI - Svitanje (Dawn) 00:00 II - Vašar (The Fair) 03:38 III - Pepeljuga i golubovi (Cinderella and the Doves) 05:00 IV - Marš (March) 12:15Vlastimir Peričić - Simfonijeta (Sinfonietta)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSCWBr2qdLg&feature=youtu.beI - Moderato assai - Presto 00:00II - Grave, quasi marcia funebre 09:08III - Molto moderato - Presto 18:14
Vasilije Mokranjac
(1923-1984). Serbian composer. He graduated from the Belgrade Academy of Music as a pupil of Stanojlo Rajicic (composition) and Emil Hajek (piano). From 1947 to 1956 he was professor in the Mokranjac Music School. He was then professor of composition and orchestration at the Belgrade Academy of Music. In 1967 he became a full member of the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences. His music’s romantic and expressionistic qualities combine in a musical language that is marked by dramatic strength and lyric expression. His Lyric Poem was performed in Germany and Russia with success. His orchestral works and piano pieces are among the finest examples in the Serbian repertory.
Vasilije Mokranjac - Preludio for Solo Clarinet(1923-1984). Serbian composer. He graduated from the Belgrade Academy of Music as a pupil of Stanojlo Rajicic (composition) and Emil Hajek (piano). From 1947 to 1956 he was professor in the Mokranjac Music School. He was then professor of composition and orchestration at the Belgrade Academy of Music. In 1967 he became a full member of the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences. His music’s romantic and expressionistic qualities combine in a musical language that is marked by dramatic strength and lyric expression. His Lyric Poem was performed in Germany and Russia with success. His orchestral works and piano pieces are among the finest examples in the Serbian repertory.
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